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UV transfer glue preservation method

Lencolo 2022-10-25 841

Preservation method of UV transfer glue:

1, safety first, storage transfer glue as far as possible away from the fire source, heat source, to prevent accidents.

2. Transfer glue warehouse needs to maintain constant temperature, and the temperature difference of the printing workshop can not be too great. If the temperature difference between the two is large, the transfer glue should be put into the printing workshop in advance, which is not only conducive to the stability of the transfer glue performance, but also to ensure the high efficiency of production.

3, in some northern regions, winter is cold, should avoid the transfer of glue stored outdoors, to prevent the transfer of glue at low temperature gelation phenomenon. If gelling occurs, transfer it to a high temperature warehouse or place it in hot water to restore the insoluble material to its original state.

4. In the storage and management of transfer glue, the principle of "first in, first out" should be followed, that is, the transfer glue purchased first is used first, in order to prevent the transfer glue from being stored for too long and affecting its use effect.

5, UV transfer glue also has a certain shelf life, if stored too long, the various components of transfer glue will occur separation, precipitation phenomenon. Therefore, the transfer glue should not be stored for a long time, and the general preservation period is 1 year.

6, the remaining UV transfer glue after printing must be sealed and stored in the shade, before re-use must be used with more than 100 mesh filter filter, fully stirred and then mixed with new ink.

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