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Lencolo L-6410 UV resin can be directly added in the UV resin paste?

lencolo 2022-10-18 947

A: L-6410 a coating additive color 4 officer UV resin additive color, good compatibility with color essence; Can be used as a UV coating of the main resin, with recoating, so of course can be in the UV resin directly added paste. But also has the following functions: excellent water resistance, hand sweat resistance and makeup resistance; Good adhesion to various plastics, metals and coatings; Low shrinkage, high curing rate; Good scratch and wear resistance.

B: L-6410 a color additive 4 officer UV resin can be directly added color paste. L-6410 is a specially modified high reactivity 4 functional polyurethane acrylate resin, low shrinkage, good adhesion, good resistance to sweat, cosmetics and solvent opening. It has excellent adhesion property to PC, ABS, PMMA, TAC and other plastic substrates. It can also obtain good adhesion property when used alone. It also has good adhesion property to paper, wood, metal and other substrates. It can be used as the main resin for all kinds of UV finish and vacuum coating UV finish with high requirements of wear resistance.

C: Can meet a variety of high requirements, L-6410 a coating color 4 officer UV resin can be used in UV vacuum plating paint, UV plastic paint, UV screen printing oil, all kinds of metal UV, all kinds of UV ink. Silver arrangement, good recoating, easy extinction, good scratch resistance and wear resistance, can be used as a coating UV.

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