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What are the properties of UV epoxy resin potting glue?

lencolo 2022-08-23 909

1, UV epoxy resin curing can play an excellent waterproof, moisture-proof performance, can prolong the service life of electrical appliances, especially aquarium pump even if long-term immersion in water, will not occur water, even electricity failure.

2, UV epoxy resin on the operating environment temperature is not limited, can be operated at low temperature, can also be operated at high temperature, operating temperature between minus 40 degrees to 180 degrees. If operating at sub-zero temperatures, heat can be applied to increase the curing speed.

3, UV epoxy resin potting base material field is wide, not only can be potting and bonding of electrical parts, but also can be potting and bonding of wood, metal, fiber, ceramic medical equipment, so the performance is safe, high environmental protection level after curing. At present, there are many brands for UV epoxy resin potting glue, so if you want to buy a high environmental protection level, no volatiles after curing, you need to find a professional company to cooperate.

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