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The principle of UV curing

lencolo 2022-08-23 954

Under uv irradiation, light initiator first absorb ultraviolet radiation energy and activated, its molecular outer electrons jump, in a very short period of time to generate active center, and active center and the unsaturated group function of resin, causing double bond of the uv-curable resin and reactive diluent molecules disconnect, continuous polymerization reaction, thus got behind each other hand in the membrane.

AB→AB'(the photoinitiator absorbs light energy and finally becomes an excited state)


The active free radical impinges on the double bond in the photocurable coating and reacts with it to form a growing chain:

A '+ C = C - A - C - C -

The reaction continues to be extended so that the double bond segments in the active diluent and oligomer split and cross-link to form a film. The study of chemical kinetics shows that the mechanism of curing UV coating induced by UV light is free radical linkage polymerization. The first is the photoinitiation phase; Secondly, the chain growth reaction stage, this stage with the chain growth, the system will appear crosslinking, curing film formation; Finally, the chain radical will complete the chain termination by coupling or disproportionation.

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