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Main use of photoinitiator

Lencolo 2022-07-26 1058

1.UV light curing visible light in the range of 400-700nm electromagnetic waves, light visible to the human eye, the most important component of sunlight

Matter absorbs light

· All colored matter is the result of absorption of visible light

· Absorption of full band of black visible light

· Full band reflection of white visible light

· Color visible light is partially absorbed and partially reflected

· Changes in the absorption of light at different wavelengths

3. Absorption of photoinitiator

· Absorb light with high energy, make the molecule undergo electronic transition with energy as high as one energy level, and then go to relatively stable triplet state to initiate polymerization reaction. Generally speaking, when a substance molecule has a large absorption peak in uV-vis spectrum, it can undergo an electronic transition to reach an excited state after absorbing UV-visible light. However, photoinitiator generally has a relatively stable excitation transition state - triplet state, and can be decomposed into free radicals, or easy to grab hydrogen.

4. Visible light initiator

· A compound that absorbs visible light at 400-700nm to generate sufficient stable excited transition states.

· At present, there are two main systems with large absorption range and strong absorption in visible light region: diaryltitanium dicene and arylferrocene.

5. Advantages and disadvantages of visible light curing

· Stable light source and low price; Use more environmental protection, safety and health - no ULTRAVIOLET radiation, no smell oxygen generation

· Red light operation and high photosensitivity.

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