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Lencolo - The 133th Canton Fair Chemical Exhibition (Phase 1) Summary

Lencolo 2023-04-25 849

The 133th Canton Fair Phase I is over on April 19th, we exhibited on chemical area this time, it was our first time to attend such kind of comprehesive international exhibition.

The result is quite encouraging, we've met with many petential customers there, not much, but considerable.

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Our product in 3D printing, DIY epoxy, nail polish, UV adhesive got many attention from visitors inside and outside the industry. This also helps us to clarify the product direction of the future international market.

Here we'd like to thank for all customers' visiting. We Lencolo will always do our best to provide the best service for you.


We produce UV/LED curing raw materials for about a decade, including five main categories.

1, Resins (prepolymers/oligomers)

2, Monomers

3, photoinitiators

4, Various functional additives

5, Adhesives


Welcome to contact freely if you have any inquiry, thank you in advance!

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