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Lencolo PU Resin Catalogue

Lencolo 2023-03-18 878

Here is a list of Lencolo thermoset and self-drying resins, for more detailed information, welcome to contact us anytime.

Model No. Product Name
L-1005 Coverable silver plating resin
L-1007 Silver Plating Resin
L-1008 Coverable silver plating resin
L-1009 Baking varnish electroplating silver resin
L-1010 PU silver plating resin
L-1200A High adhesion PU resin
L-1200B High adhesion PU resin for ink
L-1201 High solid PU primer resin
L-1202 Nylon fiber reinforced PU primer resin
L-1250 PU resin for metallic paint
L-1251 PU resin for RCA resistance
L-1253 High solid PU resin
L-1254 Quick-drying high-solid PU resin
L-1255 One-coat high-gloss black PU resin
L-1256 Quick-drying high-hydroxyl PU resin
L-1257 High weather resistance, high fullness PU resin
L-1258 High gloss PU resin
L-1260 PU resin for optical coating
L-1380 Highly Flexible Polyester Resin
L-2600FM Matte PU resin
L-2800 Anti-graffiti PU resin
L-2800B Anti-graffiti PU resin
L-2900 Self-healing PU resin
L-2960 Self-healing PU resin
L-5100 Rubber paint resin resistant to RCA50 times or more
L-5200 Anti-sticking, RCA150 ring-resistant rubber paint resin
L-5600 One-component rubber paint, resin for TPU