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Causes of discoloration of UV coating

lencolo 2022-10-11 1033

UV coating discoloration is a common phenomenon in home decoration construction, some people think that there is a problem with the quality of UV coating, there may be, but most of the operation is caused by improper. UV coating color change is generally in the original base on the color deepening.

Causes of UV coating discoloration:

1, varnish ester solvent after water and iron container reaction black.

2, turpentine in the iron bucket is easy to produce reddish brown pigment.

3, gold and silver powder and varnish are prone to acid etching, so that the coating color becomes green, dark, lose luster.

4, storage period is too long, precipitation discoloration.

How to avoid it:

1, the most prone to discoloration of shellac varnish, with non-metallic containers.

2, the use of varnish before the use of gold powder, silver powder, do not prematurely participate in varnish storage.

3, the precipitation of discolored UV coating, such as not a quality problem, can also be used after abundant agitation.