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Light source parameters for UV resin curing

lencolo 2022-09-28 1002

  The wavelength is 365nm, 395nm

  Radiant illuminance (light intensity, optical power density) MW /cm^2

  The total work mj/cm ^ 2

  UV resin in the process of curing light, cannot leave the above three main parameters: wavelength, intensity and total power, wavelength determines whether light initiator can be inspired, light intensity determines the efficiency of ultraviolet light trigger, directly affect the table dry (oxidation polymerization) and deep curing effect, while the total power determines whether can let cure completely.

  Compared with mercury lamp, the biggest advantage of LED is that LED is formulated and adjustable. Within the capability range of LED itself, it can adjust the formula according to the curing demand to the greatest extent. In the UV-LED light curing experiment, it is to constantly expand the boundaries of their capabilities to find a balance point. In terms of leds alone, it is to find the light source parameters of leds required to achieve the best curing according to the coating formula.

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