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What is leveling in coatings

lencolo 2022-09-14 988

After coating construction, there is a flow and drying film process, and then gradually form a flat, smooth, uniform film. Whether the film can achieve smooth characteristics, called leveling.

In the actual construction process of paint, often appear coating defects are orange peel, fisheye, shrinkage hole, pinhole, edge, Bernard vortex, airflow sensitivity and due to poor leveling, brush coating brush marks, roll marks are called bad leveling, the production of these phenomena reduce the decoration and protection function of paint.

Many factors influencing the coating of the flowing property of solvent volatilization gradient and dissolving properties, coating, the surface tension of the wet film thickness and surface tension gradient, the rheological properties of coating, construction technology and the environment, etc., one of the most important factor is the surface tension of the coating and film forming process of wet film produced by surface tension gradient and the surface tension of the wet film surface uniformity.

To IMPROVE THE leveling of coatings, it is necessary to consider the adjustment of the formulation and the addition of appropriate additives, so that the coatings have the appropriate surface tension and the ability to reduce the surface tension gradient.

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