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Why does UV nail varnish gel layer?

lencolo 2022-09-07 987

UV nail varnish glue stratification problem: stratification, refers to the color of UV nail varnish glue layer and the surface of the sealing layer between the separation, the separation of the local can see the air into.

The reason:

1, did not use the same brand UV nail varnish sealant sealing layer.

2. No wipeable seal is used. A swabble removable seal should be selected.

3. The leading edge of the nail is not in place. When applying UV nail varnish glue, each layer should be sealed, not only the final sealing layer.

4, UV color glue after light with cleaning liquid scrub, then UV coating. UV color glue after the light does not need to scrub direct coating will avoid delamination.

5, UV color adhesive layer is too thick, sealing layer is too thick.

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