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High viscosity glue or low viscosity glue is good

Lencolo 2022-07-19 1065
When a fluid flows, there is relative movement between adjacent fluid layers, and friction resistance will occur between the two fluid layers, which is called viscous force, also known as viscosity. Viscosity is a physical data used to measure the size of viscous force.

For Newtonian fluids, the ratio of shear stress to shear rate is constant and is called Newtonian viscosity. For non-Newtonian fluids (thixotropic), the ratio of shear stress to shear rate varies with shear stress, and the resulting viscosity is called "apparent viscosity" at the corresponding shear stress.

Is it good for high viscosity glue or low viscosity glue?

In fact, or according to your actual product needs, see how you need to apply, and then a preliminary sample, after the study to choose the most appropriate UV glue. Whether you are looking for high viscosity UV glue or low viscosity UV glue, there is always a suitable for you.

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