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Lencolo PU resin recommend

Lencolo 2024-01-05 602

  In the realm of coatings and inks, choosing the right resin is crucial for achieving desired outcomes in terms of performance, appearance, and durability. UV resin and PU resin are two prominent contenders, each with its own set of advantages when used as coating and ink materials. We Lencolo also produce PU resin with rich application experience for various industry.

  PU Resin as Coating and Ink Materials has many advantage:


  PU resin is known for its flexibility, making it an ideal choice for coatings and inks on surfaces that may undergo bending or flexing.


  PU resin's versatility makes it suitable for various applications, including coatings and inks, offering adaptability to different project requirements.

  Impact Resistance:

  PU resin exhibits excellent impact resistance, making it suitable for coatings and inks in environments where stress and handling are prevalent.

  Low Shrinkage:

  PU resin generally has lower shrinkage during the curing process, ensuring more accurate and stable coatings and inks.

  Adhesion to Various Surfaces:

  PU resin adheres well to a variety of surfaces, providing good bonding properties for coatings and inks.

  Lencolo most popular PU resins

Model no. Product description
L-1005 Overprint silver metalization resin
L-1255 Monocoat high-gloss black PU resin
L-1256 Fast drying high hydroxyl PU resin
L-1257 High weather resistance, high fullness PU resin
L-1260 PU resin for optical coating
L-1380 Highly flexible polyester resin
L-2600FM Matte PU resin
L-2800B Anti-graffiti PU resin
L-2900 Self-healing PU resin
L-2960 Self-healing PU resin