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Performance and application fields of UV monomer TMP(EO)3TA thoxylated trimethylolpropane triacrylate CAS 28961-43-5

Lencolo 2022-11-18 947

UV monomer TMPEO3TA image.png

UV Monomer TMP(EO)3TA Ethoxylated Trimethylolpropane Triacrylate CAS 28961-43-5 is a trifunctional functional monomer with high boiling point, high activity, low volatility and low viscosity. It has good compatibility with acrylic prepolymers, and can be used as reactive diluent for UV and EB radiation cross-linking, and can also become a cross-linking polymer composition. In coatings and adhesives, and gives good wear resistance and hardness adhesion and brightness.


Molecular formula:

 UV monomer TEP (EO) Molecular formula.png

Product Features:

Fast reaction speed and good flexibility;

Low skin irritation;

Low irritation.


Scope of application:

Synthetic UV resin, UV adhesive, 3D UV printing, UV nail polish, UV ink, UV coating, water-based UV coating, etc.

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