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L-8403 Potting Adhesive UV Resin,specially modified polyurethane acrylic UV resin with excellent flexibility

L-8403 Potting Adhesive UV Resin,specially modified polyurethane acrylic UV resin with excellent flexibility

L-8403 is recommended for UV Adhesive, UV potting Adhesive, Glass UV adhesive,3D printing ,etc.

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L-8403 is a specially modified polyurethane acrylic UV resin with excellent flexibility. It has unique adhesion, boiling resistance and soaking resistance to plastics. It has strong adhesion after UV curing. It is recommended to be used in UV adhesives, UV pressure sensitive adhesives, etc.

Chemical & physical data

AppearanceTransparent liquid
Viscosity (25ºC, CPS)100
UV component (%)1.1±0.1
Density (g/cm3, 25ºC)2-5
Acid value (mg KOH/g)1.509
refractive index12.5
Tensile strength (MPa)(ASTM D882)25.5
Elongation at break (%)(ASTM D882)3
functional group800-1,500


Low shrinkage and good flexibility

Good adhesion to soft and hard plastic and metal

Good wettability of pigments


UV Adhesive, UV potting Adhesive, Glass UV adhesive,3D printing ,etc.

Storage, shelf time and Packing

To prevent the product from polymerization and gelling, please keep it sealed and away from heat and light. Safe storage time is 6 months at room temperature( 25ºC) and under ventilation.

This product will be packed into 20KG/25KG/200KG/barrel

Tips: L-8403 has fast response, good flexibility, and a good balance of hardness and flexibility.

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Note: Technical data represents typical values only. In view of the differences in formulas, production process, conditions, all the above statements must be adjusted according to the actual situation, our company does not make any promises. Our company reserves the right to reform its products without prior notice of any changes.