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L-6206C  Flexible 2-functional UV Polyurethane uv resin used in coatings, inks, and adhesives

L-6206C Flexible 2-functional UV Polyurethane uv resin used in coatings, inks, and adhesives

Application: It is widely used in vacuum plating primer, UV feel elastic paint, UV adhesive, UV transfer adhesive, UV ink, UV plastic varnish, etc.

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L-6206C Flexibility 2-functional UV polyurethane resin, recommended for photocuring applications such as coatings, inks, and adhesives. As the main film-forming resin for free radical curing, it has high elasticity and flexibility; it is used in various UV adhesives, transfer adhesives, Effective adhesion to PET and PVC; used for vacuum coating primers and UV varnishes, the paint film is flexible and has good leveling.

Chemical & physical data

AppearanceSlightly yellow transparent liquid
Viscosity (60, CPS)9000 - 18000 CPS
Chroma (Gardner)1
UV Component (%) 100
Acid value (mgkoH/g)≤1
Refractive index1.48
Shore hardness70A
Tensile strength (MPa)(ASTM D882)8.7
Elongation at break (%)(ASTM D882)81
Functional group number 2


Excellent adhesion on PC, PVC, and TPU

Low shrinkage, good flexibility, good tensile strength

Good leveling and high covering power


It is widely used in vacuum plating primer, UV feel elastic paint, UV adhesive, UV transfer adhesive, UV ink, UV plastic varnish, etc.

Storage, shelf time and Packing

To prevent the product from polymerization and gelling, please keep it sealed and away from heat and light. Safe storage time is 6 months at room temperature( 25ºC) and under ventilation.

This product will be packed into 20KG/200KG/barrel

Tips: L-6206C has the advantages of flexibility, elasticity, and good plating properties. It has the functions of providing large-area leveling, reducing shrinkage, and adjusting flexibility.

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Note: Technical data represents typical values only. In view of the differences in formulas, production process, conditions, all the above statements must be adjusted according to the actual situation, our company does not make any promises. Our company reserves the right to reform its products without prior notice of any changes.